The advantages and disadvantages of open tender are stated below. Types Of Tenders And Tendering Process Construction Essay.Serial tendering allows for a number of similar projects to be placed, with one contractor providing the incentive of a continuous flow of work for. Serial tendering is, in effect, a standing offer to carry out a series of projects all based on the priced bills of quantities for the first project, which becomes the ‘master’ priced document.The purpose of serial tendering is to gain the benefits of continuity. Cost level of the tenders will be higher due to less competition and also due to the higher caliber of the. Ensures that only capable and approved firms submit tenders.Where this is the case the original competitive tender will serve as a framework. It is often used for clients who have a number of phases of similar work. Serial tendering is more of a hybrid/advanced method tendering which combines a normal competitive tender (whether single or two-stage) with negotiation. Ensures that only capable and approved firms submit tenders. This document is only available with a paid isurv subscription.